Do I Really Need A Health Care Consultant?

What do you think the most important trait is for someone who is considering opening a practice? You may answer with medical credentials, relationships with insurance providers, or even an established presence in the community. But have you ever heard of and considered a healthcare consultant?
What if we told you that the real key is self-awareness?
Yes. Being self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses is a key to being a successful clinic owner in today’s fast-paced and highly regulated healthcare industry. It’s okay to admit that you simply don’t know everything about human resources, compliance, bookkeeping and other issues. After all, you got into medicine to care for patients, not crunch numbers.
This is where a trusted healthcare consultant or practice manager can pay dividends for your practice and your personal life. Bringing on a partner to manage these important issues can free you up to focus on your patients, growing your practice, and achieving a work-life balance that puts your family first.
As recently stated by Managed Care, “It’s only logical that outside expertise be tapped to help organization leaders to figure out how to achieve the “Triple Aim” of improved health, heightened patient satisfaction, and decreased cost. Often, that means hiring a consultant or a consulting firm.”
On the other hand, many clinic owners worry about the cost of bringing on an outside partner to manage aspects of their practice. How can they avoid spending on money on someone who ends up being nothing more than a “middleman”?
At HMR we completely understand this concern. In fact, we share it. The last thing we would ever want to do is collect a check for being a useless middleman. As easy as that would be, it would go against the values we are built on.
We realize that we may not be the right fit for every practice and every practice may not be the right fit for us. That’s why we spend so much time getting to know prospective partners, including getting to know their staffs, their community, and their practice culture. The real needs of our partners guide the services we provide, which can range from handling one-off tasks for them to managing their entire HR, staffing, billing, and compliance operations.
Another line from the Managed Care article resonated with us: “Admit it. You may need a consultant these days not just for specialized knowledge or special implementation. You may need a consultant to help you think.”
We know how difficult it can be to stay on top of all the competing priorities a practice throws in your path. Our goal is to help you identify where your time is best spent so you can continue growing your practice, caring for your patients, and being present for your family.