Yolanda Vasquez
Management Consultant
Meet Yolanda
What guided you to your current role?
“I began working in healthcare after a long career in banking. I realized that Healthcare offers a lot of growth and opportunity to make a change in the service patients receive.”
What are your personal and professional values?
“I strongly believe that in honesty and integrity, and taking accountability for my mistakes. If I make a mistake, I see it as a learning opportunity, versus a loss.”
How has this industry impacted other areas of your life?
“I have learned a lot about insurance payers. I have also learned that there is always something that can be done to help our customers. Even if we have to jump hoop after hoop, there is a way to get things done for the customers benefit.”
How would your clients describe you?
“A doer and an enthusiastic.”
What excites you most about being part of the HMR team?
“The opportunity to learn and work with various clients in different areas of the healthcare industry. The variety of the clients leads to a great opportunity to see different kinds of specialties, the patients they work with, challenges they face, and opportunity for improvement in each.”
When your career is over, what do you hope the next step will be in your life?
“Getting to travel the country and have a retirement home that I can visit throughout the year. Enjoy my adult life as much as I have enjoyed it till now.”

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